True Security Inc. in Denver has qualified Guards for your Fire Watch and information about Fire Watch.
Denver Fire Department NON-EMERGENCY Phone # (720) 913-2400
A fire-watch is required when the emergency notification system cannot alert building occupants of fires and the need to evacuate. The Fire Department may assist you with the required permits, patrol detail, and number of guards required. Additional information includes:
A major impairment would include:
- Loss of local audible fire alarm warning signals
- Loss of power, including battery backup, to a fire alarm control panel.
- Damage to any fire alarm components, making an alarm system ineffective.
- Loss of alarm communication between the fire alarm panel and the Central Monitoring Station.
- Loss of automatic sprinklers, standpipes, or other types of fire suppression systems in the building with no automatic smoke detection in common areas, corridors, mechanical, and storage areas, (this may include elevators)
II. Elements of a Fire-Watch:
- A fire-watch may be conducted by a Licensed Security Guard Company. This patrol shall:
- Watch for signs of fire. (flames, smoke, burning odors, improperly stored flammable and or Hazardous materials, and/or increased temperatures)
- Watch for other emergency situations, (water, steam, gas leaks, and/or power losses) Or any other safety issues, that may impede safety or response
- Watch for blocked entrances or exits, or parking in fire lanes by fire hydrant(s), or marked ‘No Parking’ and notify local Law Enforcement if vehicle violations are present to correct conditions. Also check for missing/discharged and or expired extinguishers and other fire or emergency equipment.
- The Guard should have basic training in Fire Watch procedures, like fire safety, use of fire extinguishers and other equipment, evacuation process specific to that building, and all contact phone numbers, to include the local Fire Departments NON Emergency number.(720) 913-2400, (Denver)
- If a Fire or excessive smoke, Call 911 for emergency assistance, then alert occupants to evacuate safely.
III. Patrol Frequency and Detail:
The frequency of a fire watch patrol shall be based on level of risk and determined by the local Fire Department, (Usually between 30 to 60 minute patrols)
- Continuous patrol throughout all buildings areas or
- Continuous patrol through common areas, corridors, mechanical and storage rooms on all floors when Fire alarm systems are not functioning..
- Patrol of elevators.
- Occupied Residence Buildings.
- Unoccupied Residence Buildings.
IV. Fire Watch Activity Logs:
- The Fire Watch log sheet may include the following: Name/Address/Phone # of Business or Housing Authority, Name of Patrol staff, Security Guard and Company. The Fire Watch Guard shall carry a reliable functioning cell phone at all times while on duty.
- Date(s), time(s), reason requested, and by whom fire-watch was started, and contact Phone Numbers.
- Patrol status for each patrol.
- Any fire and/or safety related incidents or observations occurring.
- Each Security Guard is required to have flashlight.
- Date and time at which the fire-watch was ended.
- Reason fire-watch was ended, and by whom.
- The log sheet may be required to be FAXED daily within a certain time to the Local Fire Department. True Security Inc. or the property representative may provide the required log sheets.
You may call True Security Inc. for further information or your local Fire Department for compliance details about Fire Watch: (720) 913-2400, (Denver)
Below is a Fire Watch Log Sheet, that may be Downloaded, printed, then utilized.